Don’t Argue With Situations

The spirits have seen fit to enlist me in some trials and tribulations. In the midst of it I’ve found myself thinking about the idea of outrage.

It’s really a completely natural response to accusation, especially when the accusations in question are a surprise. However, as I think about outrage as an emotion, I’m struck by the fact that it’s essentially an argument you’re having with the situation you’re in, as if we can change a situation by being upset about it. I’ve never had any luck changing situations by being upset about them.

Because of this, outrage is a giant waste of time. Nothing I’m going to do or say is going to change the fact that the accusations were made. It really does not matter if I feel I don’t deserve the accusation, because the accusation has already happened. To be very blunt, I don’t have to get upset because the accusation has nothing to do with me.

All I can do by sitting around being angry about it (and feeling outraged) is waste a bunch of time and energy. I don’t particularly enjoy feeling angry or resentful, and I’d much rather spend my time doing other things. The more I think about outrage, the more I find myself thinking about how it can paralyze you.

Outrage really can hold you up, keep you from seeing clearly or responding appropriately, stuck on a treadmill as you insist that the situation not be whatever it is and keep following your emotions on the topic around.

I don’t particularly want to argue with the situation.


The Order of Endings


Priest as Mirror