A Hive of Consciousness
Paradoxically, learning the disciplines associated with vodou that clarify and facilitate things like possession results in both a much more focused experience of consciousness and something that I can only compare to being a living beehive.
Fragments of conversations with my papa over the last four or so years of this coming up as a topic can be summed up like this: you’re never really alone in your own head. The question is how much you’re aware of, and the same disciplines that facilitate possession and allow you to minimize interference also make you increasingly aware of what’s happening in your thoughts.
All of this is to say that, on a fairly regular basis, I’m humming along in a strange chorus of consciousness.
There are physical sensations—pains, aches, a tightening in my scalp, the feeling of being a little above my own head, etc. Those physical sensations can intensify until they knock me out. They can also merely express themselves out of my mouth with minimal physical sensations where the spirit and I agree on a topic.
Sometimes, the spirits merely come and observe, a light presence.
The longer I go, the more articulately and emphatically expressed the presence is. My own presence is not less emphatic nor articulate per se, but I increasingly feel like I’m sitting with someone else, watching what happens. Never quite alone.