An Official Introduction

The blog and life hiatus was productive—in the interim, I made mambo.

Let me introduce myself: I am Dye Gade Bon Mambo, of societe Gade Nou Leve, child of Papa Hector.

If you are not familiar, I’d like to provide a quick introduction: a mambo is a (female) priest. A vodou priest is a servant of the spirits, a community, and broadly society. Mambos and houngans (male priests) provide mental health services, function as go-betweens for people, provide crisis management and support services, and are generally who you call when something goes fucky and you don’t know what to do, because we’re not panicking.

Some of us are more Christian than others. I am not, and if you’ve been reading awhile or know me in person, you know why. Someone’s faith is not a reason for me not to provide them with some kind of services, but I am disinterested in providing what is not mine to give—we tend to specialize, and Christianity is not in my wheelhouse, though I am passing familiar with scripture (on which I blame a misspent youth.)

I am not terribly hard to reach, if you feel like you need me.


Cribbing from Crowley


A Hive of Consciousness