Love: Divine Currents

This will be a recurring theme. In a podcast that never made it to post, we ended up discussing love as a kind of divine current—I think of it as a river flowing from god, myself. But what god views as love and what we poor mortals view as love have nothing in common.

Papa pointed out that people quite often find someone they’re attracted to and they want to possess the person, but more importantly the feeling, to ensure that they’ll keep experiencing it. They want to isolate the person, to lock the situation away. He compared this to admiring a beautiful flower, so much that you pick it.

Then, when they’ve managed to take their precautions (isolation, etc), they are surprised that the feeling slowly dies, much like that flower if you pick it, severing it from anything which would keep it alive.

There’s eons of study in that metaphor alone. I wish the podcast had made it out, but it lead me to talk to him about what we consider to be “sins” against love: betrayal, offense, insult. They’re all, if you’re paying attention, committed against the lover, the person who possesses the love. Things that hurt the lover.

Can we hurt god? I don’t think we can.

Love is a divine current, and it is not mine to own. It belongs to god and flows from god through the person, getting its nourishment not from the lovers, but from the endless divine. It’s a damn good thing, too, because I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’m not a fit source of nourishment for love and certainly no substitute for the divine.

Owning, isolating, segregating to repeat a feeling: these are things the mind, the personality, do for safety. They always kill the very thing they claim to save.

If there is no love of my own, nothing that bears the name “love”, there is no way to offend me. There is no way to betray me. There is no way to even hurt me with love. It’s not my love to defend.

I can own nothing and no one. I can claim nothing and no one. I do not need to expend any effort in love, other than to let the current flow through me as best it can.

That is the lesson I want to learn. I want to learn how to conduct the current of the divine.


Looking at the Problem Wrong


A Meditation on Flame and Altar