That Gamer Life?
It hit me today—I’ve spent a lot of time gaming over the years. Enthusiastically, expensively, pouring time and money into that hobby. I’ve loved gaming since I was a small child. I’ve probably spent about a luxury car on that hobby.
Today, I sat down to spend some leisure time gaming, and realized that it really wasn’t that interesting any more. I’ve not found movies interesting for years, with few exceptions. I don’t tend to find TV interesting, either. I still read, but it’s a rare book that can hold my interest. It has to be expertly written and creative.
I find myself sitting in my room, thinking about hobbies and time spent. I’m typically pretty solitary, happy to spend hours reading, gaming, or thinking.
What will I do with that time? I’d imagine something will come up. Considering how many plants I’m currently growing, it’s liable to involve gardening.
I’m overdue to make things for the store anyway.