Technology is not Unholy

I occasionally run into people who think of the lwa (or for that matter anything spiritual) as being averse to, or even repelled by technology.

Don’t get me wrong, we can tell when they’re around because anything more complex than a toaster starts to get real… persnickety. Computers, smart phones, wifi—the more complex an electronic device is, the weirder it gets. We see spotty connections, strange partial renders, things showing up garbled in weird ways.

The spirit isn’t repelled by technology. They interfere with electronics and some of them don’t like the stuff, but technology does not repel them.

There’s a weird idea that technology (or for that matter anything sufficiently logical) repels spiritual beings. Along with the idea that if you ignore something it doesn’t hurt you, it’s wishful thinking. Both are based on the same idea: if a human being made it, it isn’t spiritual or good unless it’s in a specific context (a church, say.)

Here’s the thing: human beings are not inherently unholy or contaminated, nor are the things they want to do bad, anti-spiritual, or somehow repellent of divinity. Our logic or attempts to be non-spiritual isn’t repellent of spirit. We don’t repel the spirit, we are spirits (in bodies.)

So no, technology is not unholy and it does not cancel out the spirit. We can’t leave the spirit out of anything.


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