Meditations: Miracles
Monthly devotionals are the least of the duties of an initiate. In front of the altar, I pounded my chest and stomped the floor next to my lit candle and dish of gran mani (spirit food.)
Passion is not childish. Being too afraid to move is. Being afraid of god as a boogeyman, of being seen, of anyone knowing what you care about is childish. Living a tiny little life in a tiny little box for fear of someone saying boo is childish.
An adult owns their passion and its consequences. I will own my passion and its consequences, and I will be seen.
In two months, I will be entirely for and of the spirits. In two months, I will pay another of the tolls that must be paid for this life, and I will pay again and again until I graduate from this life.
I am still not sorry.
I faced the altar. I am the flame and what it burns. I am the altar and the air, and I demand to be consumed.
I am coming to you, after so long. I am tripping, I am scrambling, but I have no reason to fear.
Here I am. Let us make miracles together.