Love, Not Charity

It’s been another eventful week. I think I can summarize it by saying that I’m asked to love people, but that I cannot afford charity to them.

Sometimes the messages we are asked to pass by the spirit are not very nice. Sometimes, what the spirit has to say is not kind, not sweet, nor is it merciful. Sometimes what the spirit has to say is shocking to us—not just because it fundamentally skips over the niceties and addresses the underlying problem, but also because it is fundamentally a threat to the person we think we are.

In those cases, it’s easy for the person relaying the message to soften it. It’s easy for the person relaying the message to choose not to convey it because the message is too much, too harsh, or likely to cause a problem they don’t want to experience. Maybe they think they’ll lose the client, or just don’t want to have to deal with the person’s outraged vengeance.

It’s up to the best judgement of the spiritual worker to convey it, but I think it’s worth reminding people of this: the divine is an excellent judge of how much is necessary to get someone’s attention, when the channel (worker) is clear.

It’s worth reminding people that we have more than one life, and an infinite number of tries at learning any given lesson. Every life, every lesson leads to the divine, in increments or astronomical units.

We don’t do someone a favor by half-amputating a rotten limb. We don’t do them a favor by immunizing them against the message, making the spirit have to be harder to get their attention, or making it necessary for them to try again in another life.

We love them better by being savage than we do with a charity that has more to do with us than the message the spirit has given us to convey.

When I consult, when I am free to do so, I hope to do so without an ounce of charity, but with all the love I possess.


Revolution Day


Gratitude and Obligation