The Motivation for Work

While I’ll work on the things which are brought to me that the spirit wants done, direct contact from the spirit tends to result in the cases I enjoy working on the most. The spirits tend to want healing for the person, elevation for the person, protection for the person, etc.

I can’t tell you how much more I like those sorts of requests. I enjoy contributing to someone’s progress, or providing nurturing where they need it, or standing guard on them for a time.

So far, those works have been unpaid—often as not, unacknowledged as well. They are direct requests of the spirit, done as a part of being a priest and caring for the spirits’ children.

By contrast, people tend to ask about material gain or influencing others in their favor. Make my boss like me more. Get me a raise. Find me a man (or woman.)

Nothing wrong with those things. Nothing wrong with having a good time, nothing wrong with wanting to have a nice life.

But this should tell you a lot about what each group thinks is important. Last year at a party, the spirit remarked with some irritation that clients are always asking for the things they think they want, not for any sort of real growth or change.

If you contact me for work, please know that if the spirit wants to do it, I will do it.

But if you want real change, real growth, and real freedom, you’re going to get a lot more enthusiasm out of me.


The Nature of Discipline


The Divine is for Everyone