Lifestyle Coaching
One of the things that I have to do, to transition over, is to register myself as a single-owner LLC. I’ve not done this sort of paperwork before. The industry I’m registering as is lifestyle coaching.
I cannot express how funny I find that, but it makes sense. I’ve been listening to people’s problems and giving advice for years. Many of my peers, the various spiritual workers I live with and spend time with, are actually lifestyle coaches. They see specific populations—one specializes in the empowerment of professional women, one specializes in people working in the sex and entertainment businesses, one specializes in people in crisis, etc.
They all have websites, or other forms of business and advertising. I’ve got to be honest: I don’t know where to start, quite. I’ve been blogging and professionally writing for years, so that much I can do, and as an engineer I’m not at all worried about any technical aspects of the job, but when we start talking about advertising to specific populations, baybeeee…
Between now and November, I have to figure out how to bridge that gap and reach out to the people I’m intended to help. I know I’ll have some help there from the lwa, because it’s them I’m ultimately working for. It’s the divine I serve, by helping the people I’m given to help.
When I have passage (permission), I can open this website to book time for people. I also make a few physical products.
Everything else, I don’t know. The good news is that I don’t have to.