To Serve

I got asked a question yesterday night that I feel like I want to expound on. The person was, sweetly, trying to make sure they don’t take advantage of my willingness to do stuff for people.

Ever have something come out of your mouth and realize it at the same time?

Here’s what came out of mine: I’m not worried about it. You can only take advantage of me if I participate in it. I have to let you take advantage of me.

Also, I’m not serving people. I serve love, which means I do things for people.

In fact, I serve a population by serving love. Love is what lets me not be worried about what they think of me, what lets me disregard whether or not I gain from a relationship, and lets me entirely ignore manipulation and games of advantage.

I don’t need to maintain your opinion of me, nor do I need to try to maneuver for advantage.

I am serving your spirit directly when I serve love, whether I do something for you or not.

I am not put upon—in fact, I can’t be put upon. I can tell you to fuck off or something more gentle if I need to, but you cannot impose on me. When I serve love, I cannot be offended. I cannot be harmed.

I serve the motivating energy of the universe, which is infinite. I’m not infinite, but when I serve, my wages are paid by the infinite.

I am not worried.


Between Two Worlds


The Past is a Lie